Self Defence and Return to Soul
A unique day! Self-Defense, human galactic history, purpose of our earthly incarnations and politics in this period of spiritual warfare!
A unique day! Self-Defense, human galactic history, purpose of our earthly incarnations and politics in this period of spiritual warfare!
Humanity’s galactic history…Havana Syndrome…Milabs…Reptilian Overlordship…Sex & Spiritual Debri…Narcissists!
How to break free from it!
If you are seeking the truth about what is happening to humanity, support the disclosing of secrets keeping humanity in bondage, and using this to free humanity, then this conference is for you!
Lectures on Telepathy, Precognition, Psychedelic Psychotherapy, and the Yowie! Join us for our annual In-Person Conference!
Every year, we gather in person, to bring you a smogasbord of parapsychological topics from researchers and experiencers! This year, we will be presenting intriguing information on
Telepathy, Precognition, Psychedelic Psychotherapy, and the Yowie!
When Eric worked as a plumber and fire-fighter for Raytheon in 2010 at the South Pole station, he discovered something disturbing.
When Eric worked as a plumber and fire-fighter for Raytheon in 2010 at the South Pole station, he discovered something disturbing.
Are you ready to ignite your Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP)? Join us to explore your Remote Viewing and Clairvoyant abilities in a transformative 2 Day workshop. Gain a lifetime of ESP skills which you can build upon and enrich your personal experiences with extra inner resources to guide you in your life.
Are you ready to ignite your Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP)? Join us to explore your Remote Viewing and Clairvoyant abilities in a transformative 2 Day workshop. Gain a lifetime of ESP skills which you can build upon and enrich your personal experiences with extra inner resources to guide you in your life.
Explore another exciting mini-conference! Spoon bending, Automatic writing, Affect the present with the future and the Creative brain!
Explore another exciting mini-conference! Spoon bending, Automatic writing, Affect the present with the future and the Creative brain! Tom Ware, Dr Jordan Wehrman, Dr Vladimir Dubaj, Cherie Dupont & Robb Tilley. SYDNEY, NSW
Explore with an ex-CIA Psychic Spy who utilized remote-viewing during his service; a researcher who studied telepathy and the brain with twins; an Associate Professor who examined phone calls from the dead and a Medical Anthropologist who looked into astral projection in the next generation!
CAT DADDIES is a tender documentary portrait of eight men whose love for cats has changed their lives, from internet celebrity to occupational therapy -and in the case of one disabled homeless man, a reason for hope.
Sacred spaces, ghostly episodes, living as a psychic medium, 500 accounts of Near-Death-Experiences and taking up the $100,000 psychic skeptics’ challenge. This November, enjoy a delectable smorgasbord of the latest in parapsychological research and experiences.
An exciting line-up of parapsychology subjects, which you do not want to miss! Healing from different perspectives, whether it be through the eyes of the practitioner, experiencer, researcher and investigator. There’s something for everyone who is interested in knowing more about recovery and energetic remedies.
Hands-on-healing experimental research; Psychic mediumship and paranormal investigations; Medical intuitive; NDEs – the not so nice side; Past life regressions – a Psychiatrist’s experience.
William Bengston, Sarah Lemos, Dr John Webber & Carmel Bell.
Learn how to control and use your “Mind Powers.” It is the Fundamentals of how to protect yourself from “interferences” from on and off-planet beings. Gain knowledge about the physical laws that govern Psionics, the impact of brainwave patterns and mastery, and techniques on how to harmonize your brainwave patterns. This workshop is the next level after the foundation course.
A prerequisite to this workshop is the completion of Level 1.
Paddy Connelly greets you this Halloween, at one of the most haunted places in Perth, The Kalamunda Hotel! Dare you join us?
Doors opening by themselves, apparitions of former residents appearing, a jug of beer sliding and thrown to the ground, a poster fixed to the wall flying out the door, manifestations of broken glass, a voice whispering your name…these are just a few of the strange occurrences reported by staff, guests, and ghost-hunters.
Are you interested in more accurate tools for paranormal investigations, experiencing OBEs through hypnosis, being a psychic medium counsellor and some compelling analysis of the mechanisms of how paranormal phenomena works? If so, this Online conference is for you! Featuring 2 international speakers from the USA, this is an online conference which tantalises the taste for knowledge and research in parapsychology.
Learn how to control and use your Mind Powers.” It is the Fundamentals of how to protect yourself from “interferences” from on and off-planet beings. Gain knowledge about the physical laws that govern Psionics, the impact of brainwave patterns and mastery, and techniques on how to harmonize your brainwave patterns. This workshop lays the foundation of your Psionics knowledge, paving the way for Level 2.
Join us in a rare opportunity to do a ghost investigation at an old tavern in Kirup, WA, with 2 celebrities’ ghostbusters!
In an open and raw discussion, Keith Linder will share his experiences with the Succubus and the nature of their visitations.
Keith Linder will discuss in more depth, his real-life experiences of poltergeist manifestations and an analysis of what they are possibly trying to communicate.
Do you love true stories of haunted houses? Do you like to try and figure out paranormal experiences? Do you have experiences of your own that you’d like to share and/or ask advice from Keith?
If so, you’d really enjoy a weekend with Keith Linder, experiencer of the Bothell haunted house in Seattle. Him and his then girlfriend experienced extreme poltergeist activities including loud bangings, voices, objects levitating, physical manifestations, apparitions, and fires.
After four years of hell, Keith has documented the evidence, had investigations done at his house by various well-known groups and researched possible explanations to make sense of it all. He is also keen to help others who are or had gone through disturbing hauntings themselves.
Tickets: Click here
A Man of Science, was stunned by an unexpected abduction/paranormal experience. Meet Marc D’Antonio, an Astronomer, Photo/Video Analyst for MUFON, Educator and TV personality, was used to being the Researcher and not the researched! He has been characterized as the “voice of science reason” but has not been able to explain his bewildering personal real-life-like experience. Join our online interview (possibly live) and partake in deciphering this paranormal experience. Time allowing, he may even share his latest findings in the search for Extraterrestrial life! Those who register will have the opportunity to engage in a Q & A with Marc.
Have a go at using your psychic senses or tantalize your curiosity as an interested observer. Learn some techniques in ghost investigation.
Meet the real-life Ghostbusters of Australia! Learn how they detect, counsel and expel ghosts and other paranormal disturbances. They will share with you their real-life experiences and methods to protect yourself, to identify various types of ghosts and how to clear your home. We will also explore how ghosts fit into our popular culture and media and how this affects us and our experiences with ghosts and the paranormal!
Due to the success of this conference’s first presentation in Melbourne in May 2019, we decided to bring it over to Perth, on Halloween 2020!
On the eve of Halloween, spend 3hrs with 3 real-life ghostbusters to investigate the non-physical residents of a theatre! Combining the use of modern electronic equipment and traditional methods, you can experience and witness how an investigation is done! But remember, be respectful to the ghosts and they will be respectful to you!
Australian Originee's spiritual genesis of our world, territories divided by light and darkness, terrestrial spirits and inter-dimensional entities.
After an MRI scan, Tony Rodrigues (USA) recovered vivid and detailed memories of being abducted as a 10 year old child, sold to a Satanic cultist Billionaire as a Mind-Controlled sex slave, then shipped off to the moon, Mars, Ceres and many other planets!
Captain Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye) will share with you, his journey into recovering memories of working as a supersoldier in the Mars Defence Force and the solar system. An hour will be reserved for Q and A with Randy.
Dr Alexander De Foe will be presenting a series of 5 talks every Thursday 7pm-9pm AEST Online via Zoom.
Here’s an opportunity to learn, connect, and discover together the broader capacities of the human mind.
Dr Alexander De Foe will be presenting a series of 5 talks every Thursday 7pm-9pm AEST Online via Zoom.
Here’s an opportunity to learn, connect, and discover together the broader capacities of the human mind.
Dr Alexander De Foe will be presenting a series of 5 talks every Thursday 7pm-9pm AEST Online via Zoom.
Here’s an opportunity to learn, connect, and discover together the broader capacities of the human mind.