Antarctica Whistleblower: Secret Energy Weapons.
Eric J Hecker worked in Antarctica for one year continuously. During his time there, he discovered a secret energy weapon which can cause earthquakes and more. Eric has lead an interesting life on Long Island, New York, and was assessed for the Star Gate Remote Viewing Program. In the first half, Eric talks about his working life in Antarctica. In the second half, Q&A, he talks about his discoveries and answers some intriguing questions!
Talk was in Perth, Western Australia, 11th July 2024.
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More from Eric:
Physical journey to the planet, Thiaoouba.
In 1987, French-Australian Michel Desmarquet, was abducted physically by Extra-terrestrial Beings and taken to their planet, Thiaoouba. The Thiaooubians are highly evolved spiritually and highly advanced technologically. They have an interest in helping humanity.
Some topics covered in this interview with Samuel Chong:
* How the pyramids were built
* There were two Jesus'
* Challenges facing Earth right now - the 4 evils
* Extrasenory abilities - which we can develop
* Secret Societies and magic
* Auras and effect of colours and much more..
The Psychology of Reptilians
Penny Bradley talks about her interactions and knowledge about the different types of Reptilians, the Annunaki and humans, when she was serving as a German augmented pilot in the solar system, in a parallel life. What do the Reptilians think of humans? Can they love? Who rules the solar system? Are there some who love humans? Could they ever respect humans? Do they have a sense of humour? Penny answers all these questions and more. Believe it or not…
Parapsychology Australia Online
Paranormal Analysis and Psi Ability Enhancement Conference
Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research
Multi-Event Sensor App (MESA) – Brian Laythe (USA – Kentucky)
Can Hypnosis Induce an Out-Of-Body-Experience? - Joyce Bok & Dr Alexander De Foe (WA & VIC)
Dealing with the Ego when becoming a Medium – Cherie Dupont (VIC)
Poltergeist- The Night Side of Physics – Keith Linder (USA- Seattle)
Men in Black came to my school
Marie, a nurse in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, recalls memories from as far back as childhood, of strange activities with UFOs, Men in Black and paranormal activity. She recounted that these men in black suits visited her primary school and she was one of the kids selected by them for an examination.
Marie shows some photos and EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenonema).
Succubus: Psychological or Real Entity Assaults in the Dream State?
In an open and raw discussion, Keith Linder will share his experiences with the Succubus and the nature of their visitations.
Throughout history, men had described visitations from female demons who seduced and sexually assaulted them. They were called the ‘Succubus.’ Sleep paralysis is a feature of these visitations, increasing the terrifying experience. There is a male version too, the ‘Incubus,’ who were recorded to prey on women. What are these entities and why do they do this? Or could they hallucinations produced by our brains in fear of not being able to wake our bodies up? But then why are they sexual in nature?
Poltergeist Calling Cards: Analysis of physical ghostly communications.
Keith Linder will discuss in more depth, his real-life experiences of poltergeist manifestations and an analysis of what they are possibly trying to communicate.
Keith and Tina moved into a modern home in Bothell, Seattle, and were shocked to find out that it was haunted.Bothell house is one of the most haunted houses investigated, with multiple physical manifestations and witnesses.This included appearing and disappearing objects; spontaneous fires; three of his bibles being burnt; writings on the wall and noises in the house.
Hauntings at Bothell House - Keith Linder
Astronomer’s Paranormal-Abduction Experience. Marc D’Antonio
A Man of Science, was stunned by an unexpected abduction/paranormal experience. Meet Marc D’Antonio, an Astronomer, Photo/Video Analyst for MUFON, Educator and TV personality. He has been characterized as the “voice of science reason” but has not been able to explain his bewildering personal real-life-like experience. Listen to the end for a surprise ending of this real-life experience. This can be utilized as a profound applicable knowledge for all humankind!
Types of Ghosts and Real-Life Cases.
Brett Farrell
8th February 2020
Brett Farrell, Spirit Release Therapist, talks about the different types of ghosts and some of the cases he’s worked on.
Aust Bigfoot followed us, UFOs and how my life was saved.
Gareth Perrin - Biker, Philosopher and Paranormal Experiencer
Gareth and his partner were walking around the Healesville Reservoir, in Victoria, Australia, when they saw a UFO light up the forest. Then they heard heavy footsteps, a body with large lungs, breathing behind them. When it walked past, Gareth saw what looked like a Yowie or Australian Bigfoot.
This is just one of many strange experiences which Gareth has witnessed in Australia and Wales.
Spiritual Genesis of our Earth & Light and Dark Places
Uluki Brendan Murray
Uluki gives an explanation of the original spiritual genesis of our world. He will share his knowledge of the territories of our world which is divided by light and darkness and the terrestrial spirits. Uluki (Brendan) Murray comes from the original descendants of Australia, of the Waa-Wurrung tribe in the Upper Yarra Valley. Wallace Black Elk, a Medicine Man and Spiritual Interpreter from the Lakota Tribe, visited Uluki in Australia and was one of his most prominent teachers.
Entity Attachments & Chinese Medicine.
Joyce Bok interviews Michelle Ruskin, an Acupuncturist, doctor of Chinese medicine and Tai Chi teacher. In 2014 she competed in the first World Tai Chi Games in Cheng Du, China, and came third in her event! We have a very interesting conversation about the acknowledgement of entity attachments in Chinese Medicine! We also discuss health and wellbeing from an Ancient Chinese perspective, applicable for this modern world.
Recovering Memories
Captain Randy Cramer
In Part 1, Randy talked about an encounter with an “unearthly” being when he was 11 years old. He also explains the mechanics involved in memory retrieval.
In Part 2, Randy talked about how he went about recovering his memories, and the journey from feeling confused and skeptical to self-enquiry and acceptance.
In Part 3, Randy answers questions from the audience.
The Nature of Ghosts
Karen Scott and Johan Smit
We discuss the nature of ghosts including:
* What ghosts are
* Ghosts who committed suicide
* Ego and self-care when doing paranormal work
* How ghosts communicate
* How ghosts heal.
Paranormal Cases In Therapy
Brett Farrell
Ghostbuster, Spirit ReleaseTherapist, Hypnotherapist and Counsellor, talks openly about some of the cases he’s had, helping clients with paranormal problems.
Victoria’s UFO cases, Yowies & dark hooded figures.
Ben Hurle is the present of the Victorian UFO Action Group in the state of Victoria, Australia. He has been investigating UFOs for 11 years and has a particular interest in local UFO and paranormal phenonema in the state of Victoria. He has investigated over 100 and has trained several members of the group on the techniques of investigation.
Victoria’s UFO cases: Watch here
Yowies & dark-hooded figures: Watch here
What I learnt from being slave on Ceres and other planets.
Tony Rodrigues
Online event 27th June 2020 AEST - Attendees’ interactions were edited out for privacy.
Part 1: Watch here
Part 2: Watch here
Being a ‘Woke’ Man in 2020!
Interview with Life Coach, Omar Coles. Watch Here
Challenges men face in these current times. The discussion includes:
* What it means to be 'Woke,' an emerging identity
* Black Lives Matter & All Lives Matter
* Relationships, Sexuality and Porn
* How to empower ourselves in these times
Questions for Randy Cramer
Some follow-up questions from our audience at the Memories Talk event on 23 May 2020 (AEST).
Part 1: Watch here. He talks about time travel, how he recovered his memories, vaccines, microchipping, 5th generation internet, racism and more!
Part 2: Watch here. How we can learn from advanced ET civilizations such as the planet Sonora, in the star system of Cassiopeia. Other questions about being revived from death, awareness during the transition in the jump rooms, the extent of his command and his current psionics classes were presented.
My Visit with Credo Mutwa
Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa was a Zulu sangoma or Medicine Man and Healer, from South Africa. This is my story of my visit with him in 2007, Kuruman, South Africa.
Everyday Life on dwarf planet Ceres – Tony Rodrigues.
This Part 2 of Salubrious Event’s interview with Tony Rodrigues 8th May 2020
Tony talks about his memories on spending time on Mars and Ceres, the dwarf planet, as a slave. He discusses the currency, working life, homes, news and more on Ceres.
Living as a Mind-Controlled Slave in a Billionnaire’s Home.
After an MRI, Tony Rodrigues recovered detailed repressed memories of being taken away from his family at 10 years old, and placed involuntarily, in a Trauma-Based Mind Control Program (MK Ultra). Tony talks about being owned by a Billionnaire during that time and how he survived it psychologically.
Trigger happy hormones without drugs.
Charlotte Ellery is an Educator, with a Masters of Education, on how hormones affect our moods and behaviour. She gives practical ways on triggering the happy hormones to fit different purposes and for wellbeing maintenance. Specifically, she talks about Cortizol, Seratonin, Oxytocin and Dopamine.
Spiritual Emergency, and not a mental illness?
Dr Kylie Harris-Serong, an Experiential Researcher, discusses what Spiritual Emergency is, a state termed by Stanislav Grof (1989), a Czech Psychiatrist and one of the founders of Transpersonal Psychology. Her personal real-life experiences led her to do her academic studies in Spiritual Emergency. She discovered that some symptoms and behaviours which share some characteristics of a mental illness diagnosis could actually be a ‘Spiritual Emergency,’ and given the right support, could be a transformative experience for the individual in very positive ways.
Working through trauma, past lives, strategies, triggers and dealing with the Covid-19’s impact on our lives were also discussed.
The Black Pearl
The Black Pearl, an Australian ancient Originee Black Fella Creation lore. Uluki Brendan Murray, King of the Raven Tribe of the Waa-Wurrung Upper Yarra Valley (Victoria) shares this ancient story. Included, he speaks about King Biami, a Pleiadian, who played a part in seeding the people in Australia. Also, the 7 creation serpents, Rainbow Obsidian Woman and the importance of the heart and our energetic frequencies.
Part 1: Click here to watch
Randy Cramer answers Australian sceptics
Interview with Captain Randy Cramer (Captain Kaye) who is an American Covert Military Space Program officer, who has served on Mars.
Neuroscientist investigates the paranormal.
Interview with Dr Vladimir Dubaj on some of his cases. Does the paranormal have a place in science?
Interview with the man who was given this photo. The owner of the photo had no idea who that man in the bush is. The photo is of the owner’s husband, who was alone when the photo was taken (other than the photographer).
Interview with Kosta, who speaks about the art of dowsing and how he uses it to sense and connect with the energies of the Earth and activities of people. He also talks about clearing bad energies from places.
Ghosts in the Yarra Valley
Uluki Brendan Murray, an Originee from the Waa-Wurrung Raven Tribe of the Yarra Valley, (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) was interviewed by Joyce Bok from Salubrious Events, about the Originee's history of the area at Yering Station and the ghosts there. He also talks about the power of words and living with sovereignty.
Join Uluki at The Ghostbusters of Australia conference on the 21st March 2020 in Melbourne.
Part 1: View Interview Here
Part 2: View Interview Here
Part 3: View Interview Here
5G and health
A talk by Raymond Broomhall, Barrister who specialises in the impact of health from 5G cases.
Part 1: Click here
Part 2: Click here
Part 3: Click here
Part 4: Click here
Triple R Interviews Marcel Takac
Using Virtual Reality to treat public speaking phobia
Mini Interviews with Cy Gorman (Nurobodi)
Our unconscious interactions with colour, light, pitch and sound and how to set up our environment to foster health and wellbeing.
Interview 1: Working with light, colour and sound.
Interview 2: How our environment affects us.
Interview 3: Things you can do in your environment to foster relaxation.
Interview 4: 440hz versus 432hz
Interview 5: Most need to know about light, sound and colour
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Light Strobe Technologies - Assisting wellbeing and mental health.
This interview with Dr Alexander De Foe (RMIT University) by Joyce Bok, introduces you to the TMS and Pandora Star as technologies which are being used to treat depression and to induce altered states and a sense of wellbeing.
Andrea Perron, experiencer of poltegiest activity for 10 years, was interviewed on Studio 10.
Questions for a real-life Australian Ghostbuster
How do you know that you are talking to ghosts and that it's not just your imagination?
Have you learnt anything new which has not already been written or spoken about from your experiences?
Robb answers some questions from listeners about his experiences.
How I Started out as a ghostbuster
Interview with rob tilley
Joyce Bok chats with Rob about how he found his calling to help people with unusual and unique problems.
Children and entity attachments
Interview with Brett farrell
Joyce Bok chats with Brett about how he works with children on removing entity attachments and related topics.
Robb Tilley and Dr Vladimir Dubaj on Studio10
Robb Tilley (Ghostbuster) and Dr Vladimir Dubaj (Neuroscientist & Investigator) appeared on Studio 10 (channel 10) on 22nd April Easter Monday at 10.20am EST. They are questioned by the panel: Kerri-Anne Kennerley, Joe Hildebrand, Natarsha Belling and Cassandra Thorburn.
Brett Farrell - Ghostbuster for the Indiviual - interview on local community radio
Judy-Ann Steed & Company interviews ghostbuster Brett Farrell on local community Melbourne radio, 3MDR 97.1FM, Live & Streaming Thurs. 9-11am, ph: (03) 5968 1139, mobile: 0418 374 776.
Meet the Real life ghostbuster tackling some of Australia’s spookiest cases.
On Breakfast with Jacinta Parsons and Sami Shah
Dr Vladimir Dubaj, a neuropsychologist and paranormal researcher, is part of a team of experts speaking at the Real Ghostbusters of Australia Conference at the Abbotsford Convent this May 24th-26th.
He joined Sami Shah on ABC Radio Melbourne Breakfast to chat about his extensive research into what’s real, what’s not and what’s yet to be discovered.
Brett Farrell & Dr Vladimir Dubaj interviewed by Herald Sun
Ghostbuster, Brett Farrell and Paranormal Investigator, Dr Dubaj was interviewed by Aaron Langmaid from The Herald Sun. 26th April 2019 Friday.